Thursday, July 01, 2004

In the Backyard

August, 2003

Three cats are hiding
under the wood shed...
they don't know I can see them.
Those three cats were playing
last night in the moonlight.
I wish I could touch them!
I left them some morsels
out on the back porch,
and they came to eat them.
Two kittens and mother?
Yes, that must be it!
Oh, I want to catch them!
They play in the yard
while I am going to bed,
and while I am working hard,
they sleep the whole day,
in the shade, under the shed.
Perhaps they will stay . . .
Since, I am all they got,
I will keep food in their tray.
And while they play nights and sleep days . . .
I will dream I was a cat,
and could join in their games!